Event Paris Olympics Day One, Rain and Racing Drizzle saturated Paris on the first day of Olympic racing, a grey morning codicil to the sodden opening ceremony which was – sensibly – attended... 6 minute read
Event New Zealand Announce World Cup Team Rowing New Zealand have announced their team for the 2024 World Rowing Cup II which will be held in Lucerne, Switzerland at the end of... 3 minute read
Event Day Eight, Belgrade: The Sun Sets on Lake Sava Five and a half final hours of furious racing closed the curtains on the 2023 world championships. 3 minute read
Event Day Six, Belgrade: Finally, Some Medals More wind, more Games qualification, but Friday finally saw the first medals awarded, mostly to non-Games events but also to the newly-important PR3 mixed doubles.... 4 minute read
Event Day three in Lucerne, at World Rowing Cup III There were sudden shocks for crews as eminent as the Croatian M2x and Irish LM2x, along with an upset or two in the eights. Oddly... 5 minute read
Event Day one in Lucerne, at World Rowing Cup III There’s no getting round it, time-trials are very difficult to get properly excited by, particularly when this time they were being run as more of... 4 minute read
Event Rowing NZ team announcement New mothers Brooke Francis and Lucy Spoors, who have recently returned to full-time training, will combine in the women’s double scull. 2 minute read
Feature RowingNZ Team Sheet Rowing NZ Team to compete at 2023 World Rowing Cup III in Lucerne, Switzerland from 7-9 July. 1 minute read
Event HRR Day 6 Sunday Henley Royal Regatta 2022 ended on a high note as the unforgiving headwind finally dropped, leaving the door open to some faster times. Just in... 4 minute read