Immense sadness follows the unexpected passing of Dr Tim Senior, the Upper Thames Rowing Club rower and Chair of The Boat Race Company Ltd. Senior, 51, collapsed after racing in an eight at the Henley Four and Eights Head on Saturday 11th February 2023. He died in the ambulance en route to the Royal Berks Hospital.
“Thanks are due to his crewmates who did everything they could have done, and to those who went with him to hospital. Tim had just turned 51 and was on everyone’s speed dial when recruiting for crews lacking youth, strength and fitness. Losing a friend in this way is so far off the scale of normality it is impossible to know what to say or think today, other than our thoughts are with Tim’s family and friends at this tragic time, he was a smashing guy and his loss is being keenly felt by many,” said Chair of Upper Thames Rowing Club Justin Sutherland according to the Henley Herald.
“The Boat Race family is shocked and deeply saddened by this news. Tim has been Chair since 2021 and performed his role with huge passion and skill,” said Siobhan Cassidy via a statement released by The Boat Race Company Ltd. Cassidy has taken on the role of interim Chair, with immediate effect. “We have been liaising with his family and will pay tribute to Tim more extensively in the near future. However, as we know Tim would have wanted, our team will move forward with delivering plans for the 2023 Gemini Boat Race, now only six weeks away.”
Click here to read the full statement.